Saturday, August 26, 2017


An anti-statue removal protestor fired a shot into the ground not too far from cops.  Cops never moved.  There was no stand-down order.  Lots of opportunities to make valid arrests passed up.  [This apparently was the only shot fired in the Charlotte riot.  The shooter may have thought,  rightly or wrongly, that he was legally authorized to do so in self-defense, we will probably never know.  He, or the person who may have attacked him should have been arrested .However, even though there was violence by all sides there, Anti-removal protestors fired the only known shot and committed the only murder, which was clearly not self-defense  This is not moral  or blame equivalence as far as crime goes

However, Richard B. Spencer the young leader of the alt-right said ''The City of Charlotte could have prevented the death if they had done their job, and that is to police the streets" 
[He may be right,  but I hope is isn't trying to deflect from the responsibility of the neo-Nazi who murdered an unarmed, peaceful, female protestors]

Some law enforcement heads need to roll in the agencies involved in the poorly planned and executed public safety plan.

1 comment:

  1. I know of no way to fact-check, but I have read that the driver of the car in the killing of the woman had stabbed the gas pedal in order to end the Antifa clubbing of his car. Avoid further dents and broken glass. Panic. Loss of control via excessive power. IOW, accident. But not provable either way.

    But in every protest, the Antifa people have initiated the violence. They howl, "Kill, kill," yet remain the darlings of the media.

