Thursday, August 17, 2017


The neo-Nazis mentioned below were part of a larger demonstration of alt-right groups that were protesting removal of a statue of Gen Robt. E. Lee.  Is there now a fusion of all these groups?   I am NOT  saying every statue-protestor is part of this, but there probably are some.  Are some closet-Nazis starting to come out of the closet?

Charlottesville’s Jewish community was forced to hire security after local police denied worshipers of synagogue protection from neo-Nazis during the violent weekend that claimed the life of a woman. [The main point of the protest was against removal of a statue of Robt. E. Lee]

Alan Zimmerman, president of Congregation Beth Israel, [in Charlottesville] described the fear he had when he saw three men armed with RIFLES outside the synagogue, he wrote in a blog post published Monday.

There were also “parades of Nazis” outside pointing at the temple and chanting “Seig Heil” while white supremacists carried “flags with swastikas and other Nazi symbols,” Zimmerman wrote.  [There was also prominent display of the Nazi phrase 'blood and soil"]

When morning services ended, Zimmerman advised worshipers to exit through the back door for safety.

“This is 2017 in the United States of America,” he continued.

He wrote that he learned that “Nazi websites” were calling for the burning of the synagogue — but nothing ever happened.

He also recalled when an elderly woman, whom he said was Catholic, approached him in front of the synagogue and asked: “Why do they hate you?”

“I had no answer to the question we’ve been asking ourselves for thousands of years,” Zimmerman wrote. . .

In recent months, the Jewish community has experienced bomb threats at Jewish centers in several states.  . .

Also, tombstones have been vandalized in Jewish cemeteries, and it’s unclear if any arrests have been made in those cases

The Anti-Defamation League says that anti-Semitic incidents have spiked 86% in the first quarter of 2017 with a total of 541 cases, compared to 291 cases recorded during the same time last year."



  1. One thing that frustrates me as I browse the Internet is the anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist blather I see in responses to articles. The blame-game nonsense.

    I know lots of Jewish jokes. Learned them from my Jewish room mates at FSU. I've been pro-Israel since 1948.

    Spring, 1959. I walked out of a movie in downtown Tallahassee. Many people on sidewalks, both sides of Monroe Street. "What's going on," I asked. "A KKK parade is coming."

    As the dozen or so white-sheeted critters marched past I stepped to the curb and proclaimed in my best ex-GI parade ground voice, "Look! Form-fitting hats!"

    There I was, ready for an attitude-adjustment session and no takers. Sad.

    I have equal contempt for Nazis, Antifa and BLM.


  2. The alt-right and far-left have equally kept racism alive and well in America. Both groups represent the defective fringe of society. IMHO, Americans are mostly rational people.
