Sunday, June 15, 2014

Left-wing political correctness a left-wing form of "McCarthyism"

It's always a  little disconcerting when a public figure whom one dislikes and disagrees with confirms your pre-existing, independent observations.  Former NY mayor, gun control and nanny state advocate Michael Bloomberg correctly likens the left-wing political correctness that dominates most college campuses to the right-wing McCarthyism of the 1950's.  As you may recall  "McCarthyism" was the right-wing rabid anti-communism that dominated American discourse until it collapsed under its and McCarthy's excessiveness and disrespect for First Amendment rights.  What Bloomberg was referring to was how leftist faculty and students fought to block commencement speakers with whom they disagreed.  When ideology (of any type) and authoritarianism merge, rights are in serious jeopardy  This source, a full page article from the NYT, is worth perusing in full as it has some interesting excerpts from commencement speeches.

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