Saturday, July 19, 2014

Prof. Gary Kelck on large capacity magazines, mass shootings, etc.

FSU Criminology Prof. Gary Kleck is probably the nation's leading expert on guns and crime gun control.  He summarizes his interests in this relatively brief video (scroll down).  For results of Kleck's latest research on large capacity magazines, mass shootings, etc. see this court document.


  1. I remember his first efforts at analysis of the gun issue, back in the mid-1990s. Interestingly, he has become much more pro-gun than he was back then.

  2. Anon: Thanks! A lot of people who have studied the issue (incl. this blogger), have, over the years, become skeptical of gun control and more appreciative of guns and self-defense. The controllers continue to believe that there are simple answer to complex problems. Many have realized the human behavior is a lot more difficult to control and influence in a democracy than they thought.
