Wednesday, July 02, 2014

46 people die each day in the U.S. from prescription painkiller overdoses

Our illegal drug problem get lots of attention.  Our legal drug problem is ignored.  According to this "CDC says 46 people in the United States die from prescription painkiller overdoses each day."  However, the experience in some states suggests that legal changes and aggressive enforcement can reduce the problem.  The pharmaceutical industry and doctors are among those who need to engage in some serious self-scrutiny. Parents need to keep this stuff locked up or hidden. 


  1. The pharmaceutical industry is merely the fawning courtesan in this dance of death. The responsibility to "first do no harm" is lost in the egotistical world of the prescription writers who believe that they have become merlins with the stroke of a pen . . . no chemical will every accomplish the "miracle" that lifestyle change frequently does, but that's too hard.

  2. Bubba: Thanks, agreed! The problem is exacerbated by spoiled Americans who want "fast, fast, pain relief" and simple solutions to complex problems.
