Saturday, February 02, 2013

New NY gun law:

The first wave of hysteria- and progaganda-driven gun laws was recently passed in New York state.  The law  bans "possession of any high-capacity magazines regardless of when they were made or sold. Only clips able to hold up to seven rounds can be sold in the state. Clips able to hold seven to 10 rounds can be possessed, but cannot be loaded with more than seven rounds. If an owner is found to have eight or more bullets in a magazine, he or she could face a misdemeanor charge."  The arrests have already started.  I'm sure the dangerous mentally-ill and criminals are already shaking in their shoes and starting to comply.  The Left-wing political correctness hysteria is already starting to cause legislators to have delusions.  thanks to Art Eatman for the link.

1 comment:

  1. And now Minneapolis mayor Rybak plus 60 others have jumped into the fray.

    "He wants to know if those companies also are lobbying against tighter gun laws.

    If we find out they’re not partners, and if we find out they’re working against us, then we all ought to have a conversation as taxpayers about whether our dollars should be used for people who are not working to reduce gun violence,” Rybak said."

    Sounds a wee tad like extortion, seems to me. Or, certainly fascism in the sense of, "It's your business, but we'll tell you how to run it."

    President Obama has said that he is strongly supportive of this group.

    Given that these 61 mayors supply only a fraction of ammo for the 800,000 police of the US, and there a hundred million shooters, I'd say that the stockholders of the possibly-affected corporations might have a different opinion. Better to do as Barrett did when California outlawed the 50-caliber rifles such as those he produced: He will do no repairs on the rifles owned by California law enforcement, nor sell repair parts to it.

    Let the mayors buy ammo at WalMart, three boxes to the customer for any one purchase.
