Monday, January 28, 2013

A gun control proposal I can support!

The proposed "assault weaons" and large capacity magazine proposals will not prevent gun crime and may infringe on Second Amendment rights. However, here's a sensble gun control measure that will not intrude on anyone's Second Amendment rights (unless it becomes a cover for "fishing expeditions" and privacy violations), and might help (unless it becomes another BATF fiasco like Operation Fast and Furious) keep guns out of the hands of those not legally qualified to have them.   (This is where the emphasis SHOULD BE in gun control proposals.)  Anyway, Sen. Patrick Leagy (D-Vt.) has introduced a bill which should give law enforcement more tools to investiage "straw purchases" of guns.  Believe it or not, there are Dems who haven't joined the lemmings.   Thanks to Sen. Leahy for introducing sensible bill.  Of course, being sensible is usually a kiss of death in Washington.  Good luck Senator!


  1. Mr. Leahy is on the right path focusing on the criminal element. That said, I don't see much hope of Biden and his boss following suit as theirs is a populist's agenda designed only for political gain. Not a serious unbiased resolution of the real problem.

  2. 44:
    Thanks. Agreed! Gun control and related laws should focus on criminals and criminal activity. Law which focus on the law-abiding, and will be ignored by the criminals,dangerously mentally ill, terrorists, etc. are irrational and threaten Second Amendment rights. As I have stated on many occasions, for many gun control supporters, gun control is not really about crime conttrol.
