Monday, February 27, 2012

Outrageous anti-gun hysteria incident from Canada.

Outrageous incident from Canada. This is what happens when anti-gun hysteria becomes rabidly politically correct. You may recall the American kid who was disciplined at school for shooing a "finger" gun. I wish we could get a lot of the left-wing authoritarians who hate guns to move to Canada. They'd be happier there and we'd be more secure in our civil rights.


  1. The hysteria is worldwide. Mass shootings occur on a regular basis, especially in schools and other public places in Europe, despite outright gun bans. The rates are similar to the U.S., and the author of "More Guns, Less Crime" reminds us of a common factor: "The attacks take place where civilians are banned from carrying guns."

    Read more:

    I've seen enough on the news and Youtube and Liveleak to want to exercise my 2nd Amendment right in malls and other crowded places.

  2. If this is a complete and accurate depiction of events (and it rarely is), something very peculiar has occurred in this Canadian town. I like the analogy that compares guns to antibiotics . . . that it's nice to have them when you need them. I don't like the similarities that I see between religious cults and gun worship.
