Monday, February 13, 2012

Obama Crony calls for statewide gun registration

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former Chief of Staff, has proposed state-wide gun registration for Illinois. Second Amendment values are obviously not high priorities for Obama's in-crowd. From other recent developments, one gets the impression that First Amendment freedom of religion is also not a high priority with this crowd.


  1. If that's the case, he'd better add kitchen knifes, shop tools, baseball bats, bicycle chains and all other scary weapons used by violent actors to commit their crimes. Rahm Emanuel is either conniving or an absolute idiot with his proposed harassment of law-abiding gun owners.

  2. The proposal is not oozing cleverness or originality.
    In fact, it reeks of hipshot posturing, but in that sense he is at least consistent. It would be interesting to hear specific counterproposals that address the abundance of firearms in the hands of law breakers --- something more than "go enforce the laws that already exist".

  3. The firearms black market would exist despite highly restrictive gun laws. There's nothing dangerous about the "the abundance of firearms". There's plenty wrong with "in the hands of law breakers". The problem isn't the gun, but rather the criminal. Imprison law breakers for a very long time if they're in possession of a firearm. And any criminal act that used a gun to maim or murder demands an automatic death penalty. A firing squad is appropriate for this task.

  4. Chicago is a highly liberal Democratic town that values the phrase "the ends justify the means." It is a reflection of decades of machine politics where citizens are more concerned about the delivery of city services than integrity in city government, which has been historically exemplified by graft, patronage, and the value of political connections and favors. There have been opportunites to change course in Chicago with previous elections, but Chicagoans have consistently picked the Daley Machine way of doing business, and the pols know it. As a result they rule as they see fit, Constitution and honesty in government be damned. You're seeing it at work in Washington right now.

  5. And to prove my point:

  6. Thanks to everyone. Thanks to jr for the link. Nice to see someone come out and say it with some data to back it up. Confirms what many people already knew.
