Thursday, February 23, 2012

More border gun-walking disasters

Who knows where all of this gun enforcement insanity on the border will end up. As usual, the government seems to trying to keep thinks under wraps.

1 comment:

  1. Law enforcement agents like Zapata (RIP) and Avila have my sincere gratitude for their selfless efforts at stopping crime. That said, the U.S. justice department's cross-border firearm trafficking investigation confuses me. The impression given is who cares about collateral damage as long as they get their big fish. Or is it a more subversive anti-second amendment agenda they're accommodating? Maybe a little of both? Regardless of the driving force(s), it's demonstratively sloppy management and/or poor leadership. The current top officials who oversaw fast and furious need to be fired or impeached, whatever is the appropriate action. There's no reason any known unlawful firearm purchase made it south of the border. Absolutely none.
