Friday, August 30, 2013

Media lack committment to newsworthiness

One thing that continually amazes me about the national media (from whom we have some right to expect ethical and professional behavior) is how we are bombarded, on the national level, with items that are not newsworthy.  Both the left- (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, HLN) and right-leaning  (FOX) are guilty.  As many have noted, entertainment and news have become dangerously intertwined.  That's one of the reasons why we have so much soap opera crap passing for news.  Another reason is ideological bias.  Anything that is consistent with that ideology and makes the opposition and those who have been demonized (e.g. George Zimmerman, NRA) look bad, will be published/broadcast no matter how much it lacks in newsworthiness.  Further, the media and much of the public seem to be obsessed with celebrities.  Is it really newsworthy what Barbara Streisand, Oprah Winfrey or Ted Nugent thinks about some issue? (See "newsworthiness,"  "News propaganda" and "News values" on Wikipedia)  A recent example brings this home.  Is it nationally newsworthy that George Zimmerman may be having marital problems? Given how the left has demonized Zimmerman, we are probably in for a lot more of this crap about Zimmerman. When are the American people going to realize that the media is dumbing them down and manipulating them through propaganda.  When are the American people going to demand real news presented in a balanced fashion?   When are people going to start thinking for themselves rather than just parroting their favorite ideologically corrupted news source?

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