Sunday, July 01, 2012

Williams right on re higher ed in the U.S.

Economist and columnist Walter Williams hits the nail on the head again re higher ed.


  1. Williams' statement, "Colleges are increasingly in academic decline as they endeavor to make comfortable environments for the educationally incompetent. ... Sadly, that won't happen. College administrators want warm bodies to bring in money.", reflects my own observation. I had hoped to be wrong.

  2. Quote's context corrected.

    "Colleges are increasingly in academic decline as they endeavor to make comfortable environments for the educationally incompetent. ... Colleges should refuse admission to students who are unprepared to do real college work.... Sadly, that won't happen. College administrators want warm bodies to bring in money."

  3. 44: Thanks for the comment. I'd like to hear more from those who work at universities.
