Sunday, April 27, 2014

Legal rights for animals?  Animal rights the next big "civil rights" movement? Should a chimp be able to sue its owner?  Are humans guilty of the sin of speciesism?  This argument has been around a long time but recently seems to have moved to the front burner.  There are already laws to protect animals.  Perhaps more are needed, perhaps more enforcement is needed, but this seems a little over the top to me. 


  1. I agree. Laws against the inhumane treatment of animals exist. It's my understanding the animal rights movement is in the business of banning ranch agriculture, medical research and hunting. I'm sure most of these bleeding heart types are suburbanites, with their leather upholstered SUVs, who don't understand butchering livestock when all you have to do is buy your nicely wrapped meat at the grocery store.

  2. Animals have no rights. Humans have responsibilities to avoid maltreatment. "Responsibility", that devil word, should be sufficient to provide humane treatment for animals. Humans, as well, for that matter.

