Monday, June 10, 2013

Private group assists in the exercise of 2nd Amend. rights.

This private group aims (pun intended) to assists individuals in exercising their Second Amendment and natural law rights to have ordinary weapons for defensive purposes. Shotguns and training are being given to single women and residents of high-crime neighborhoods.  If you don't own a gun, or don't feel comfortable about using one for defensive purposes, you may not value those rights.  Although I have some discomfort with training 12-year olds, I'm willing to trust their parents.  Hopefully the folks with children who get weapons will have enough sense to keep them secure.

Finally, the statement by David Hemenway (a long time professional gun controller) is not accurate.  The weight of the evidence strongly suggests that gun ownership under certan circumstances can deter crime, and, overall, is effective against armed intruders.  The nation's leading expert on gun control and related matters, FSU Criminology Prof. Dr. Gary Kleck has done much research on these issues and has concluded that guns are used as often for defense as they are used by criminals for offense.

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