Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Colo. & Wash. Legalize Pot

The states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to legalize pot.  The topic was also on the ballot in a few other states.  Seems to be a trend here.  Perhaps Obama will deliver on his 2008 campaign promise to stop enforcding federal pot laws against medical marijuana.  He may go farther than than an "legalize" recreational pot use and possession under federal law. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Must of liked the zombie movies so much they want to be one. I do agree about this being a domestic issue that is rightfully the respective states' affair. I hope Texas never legalizes the stuff. But if Washington State and Colorado are OK with dope heads run amok, that's their private business. As a Texan, I'll respect their boundaries on indiscriminate drug use. In return, I expect them to obey our laws.
