Friday, January 06, 2012

Latest development in the Fast and Furious Fiasco?

Latest development in the continuing saga of Operation Fast and Furious. Note the source of this information is not the type of person who is entitled to a presumption of credibility. Thanks to Bennett Jones for the link.


  1. You'll probably never read about this in the NYT, and if you do it will also mention that Bush did the same thing with Operation Wide Receiver. Fairness in reporting and all that.

  2. Uh . . . let me see if I have this right . . . you want me to believe a cockroach's defense attorney before the Justice Department . . . could we discuss confirmation bias first?

  3. Sounds like nothing more than a plea bargain by a cartel thug. The only DOJ conspiracy having any merit is the Obama administration's purposeful undermining of legal firearms businesses in the U.S. and their law-abiding customers.

  4. These days the DOJ certainly lacks credibility. Who needs confirmation bias when you have a politically motivated federal agency trying to cover its tracks?

  5. Thanks Anon., Ridgway & 44. Yes the Bush administration did the same stupid thing in Wide Receiver. Yes, Bush was an idiot and a disappointment to conservatives and libertarians. However, I doubt that it had the same motive as the Obama administration (see prior post).
