Thursday, November 11, 2010

Same Distortions, Different Dude

It doesn't seem to matter who's in the White House. Unfavorable data and research results will be spun, misrepresented, and distorted. This time it's the Obama administration and studies on the Gulf Oil Spill. Other than a distinct shift to the far-left, nothing has changed about the integrity of our politicians in charge. If you voted for change, you got a lot of ideological change--but not much else. So much for campaign promises. When are the two main political parties going to come up with some candidates who deserve our votes? LINK


  1. Candidates who support federalism as agreed upon at Philadelphia's constitutional convention. Candidates who respect our country's dual sovereign design between the federal government and independent states. Candidates who recognize that the supremacy clause is only valid as it protects people's individual rights and freedoms. These are the folks that deserve our vote.

  2. Would it be different if you were in charge, Ray? . . . if you were in the arena instead of the bleachers? . . . if you had to lead? Leading is a sobering, humbling, empathy engendering experience when done well--- even outside elected office. Shrill, dishonest scoundrel charges are just weeds that compete with valuable crops.

  3. Ridgway said "Leading is a sobering, humbling, empathy engendering experience when done well ..."

    To use the executive branch as an example. Jimmy Carter demonstrated empathy but his naivety made him a terrible leader. Obama is really no different. Many progressives would say the same about G.W. Bush, which is simply their biased opinion.

    Some of our country's historically beloved leaders proved just as effective as history's worst dictators at promoting their own personal wealth and power at the public's expense. Fortunately without the same aggressive brutality thanks to the Anti-federalist's contribution to the constitution, the Bill of Rights.

    It's easy to perceive valuable crops as being weeds and visa versa. Respectfully, 44

  4. The extreme level of polarization in our politics is currently being glossed over as a result of our increased level of political engagement. Unfortunately, polarization presents serious problems for governance. Our government is structured with numerous anti-majority components. Senators, in particular have power disproportionate to their respective populations. Consequently, unified opponents can paralyze even the majority party and little gets done. The Democrats have suffered that fate most recently, and now I suspect it will visit the Republicans. If we are to have effective government, we don't need more extremists, we need more moderates.

  5. 44 & Ridgway:
    Thanks for the comments. Perhaps I am being overly cynical. Perhaps my expectations are too high. Power corrupts most who have it. Do people seek power for altruistic reasons? My cynical mind says "rarely." Could I do better? Hell, I couldn't even get elected.
