Friday, October 15, 2010

Lawful, licensed peaceful open gun carriers charged with disorderly conduct.

Police and citizen harassment of licensed persons lawfully engaged in open carry and not causing any problems is here. If anyone who dislikes guns calls the police and says they are "concerned" and fear something "horrible" might happen and then the police charge the carriers with disorderly conduct, the constitutional and statutory right to carry means very little. When are folks going to wake up and realize that individual Second Amendment rights are now the supreme law of the land! LINK


  1. For police to approach someone simply for having a holstered weapon was wrong. Especially when it's legal to carry open. The women who called police should have been questioned as to why these gentleman's behavior caused them to feel threatened. Any reasonable answer besides carrying a gun would have provided police ample cause to confront the involved party. Such concern should then be presented to said individuals prior to questioning. And if these gentleman refused to answer on the grounds they weren't violating any laws, and there was no evidence to suspect they were, so be it.

  2. 44: That's the way it should have been handled IF the police knew who the caller was and she was still there. I don't know if that was the case or not.
