Sunday, March 16, 2014

OT: Thought-provoking article

Although there is much I do not like about the NYT (obvious consistent bias, use of propaganda techniques, etc)., I am now a subscriber. More importantly for me,  their Sunday edition is full of intellectually stimulating and often balanced articles.  This one on millenials offers no answers, but I appreciate the recounting of the insight offered in his book "The Quest for Community."  The Times writes  ("Sunday Review" p. 12,  col. 4 Sun 3/16/14) about the apparent increase on emphasis in individualism and loss of traditional forms of "community"":
"This was the point raised in 1953 by Robert Nisbet’s “Quest for Community,” arguably the 20th century’s most important work of conservative sociology. (I wrote the introduction when it was reissued.) Trying to explain modern totalitarianism’s dark allure, Nisbet argued that it was precisely the emancipation of the individual in modernity — from clan, church and guild — that had enabled the rise of fascism and Communism."  
 Query: what ideologies and political movements serve this function today?
To see where this thought-provoking article, click the link.

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