Thursday, February 20, 2014

The George Zimmerman media Ideological/ethical train wreck rolls on.

This article tells it like it is.  The Left will continue to use the Zimmerman case to stoke the fires of racial animosity. Self-defense and the Second Amendment individual right  have long been anathema to the Left.  Questionable and unlawful "self-defense" cases will get great amounts of publicity as the smear campaign against the natural law right of self-defense rolls on.   Lawful uses of deadly force, which greatly outnumber the faulty self-defense cases, will be ignored as they do not fit in with the Left's ideology.   This is a great website

1 comment:

  1. The anti-gun crowd has been lying and lying and lying since at least 1967 to my personal knowledge. The primary Congressional activist at that time was the "old" Senator Dodd. His son was the same when he became a Senator.

    The irrationality of media people is without limit. As example, Tom Teepen, once editor of the Atlanta Constitution, after a high school student had stolen his father's bolt-action rifle, a shotgun and a pistol and created a short-term hostage situation at school, that this justified passage of the assault-weapons ban.

    Multitudes of other examples abound.

