Friday, October 04, 2013

Both sides at fault in Obamacare debate

The debate over Obamacare has brought out a lot "spin" from both the Left and the Right.  Both sides should be ashamed of this unethical behavior.  When are the American people going to hold their elected officials accountable for lies, distortions, etc.?  See these and other excellent articles at


  1. You don't need to be political or philosophical to regard Obamacare as a horror show. Just look at the numbers and ask a few questions.

    How do you remove the "pre-existing conditions" deal from insurance policies without expecting premiums to rise?

    How do you create coverage for 20 million or 30 million people without reducing other spending such as for Medicare? Answer: You don't. Note that the $40 billion or more per year cuts in Medicare already is changing what doctors will accept.

    Other factors are causing unemployment or are shifting full time jobs into becoming part time jobs and thus lower incomes. How is this an improvement?

