Saturday, September 07, 2013

Mission Creep Already starting for Syria? Retaliation?

The New York Times and Time magazine (both Obama "supporters) and others are  claiming that the Pentagon is working on an expanded list of targets for Syria.  various reports mention Chemical weapons, and related troops and materiel,  and other crucial assets that have been moved are the apparent targets.  Targeting chemical weapons may result in their release into the Syrian environment.  Civilians may be the predominant victims. There is also talk of using aircraft in addition to missiles.  Mission creep setting in already.  Iran and Al Qaeda are already threatening retaliation. A U.S. attack will only heighten hate for America in the region.  This thing could quickly get out hand and turn into a regional crisis.  The Russians are sending naval units to the area. These developments should send up additional red flags to Congress and the American people.

1 comment:

  1. "Iran and Al Qaeda are already threatening retaliation."

    Nothing new as both of these malicious actors have demonstrated their retaliation against the USA for decades. And all for what? If we don't give them a reason to hurt us, they'll manufacture one to justify their sinful deeds.

    Personally, I'd let it be known that our Middle East policy is in supporting Israel with whatever they decide is in their country's best interest.
