Thursday, October 13, 2011

NYPD Cops Fabricated Drug Cases to Meet Arrest Quotas

NYPD strikes again. Thanks to Bennett Jones for this item.


  1. Why would this happen? . . . it's a natural consequence of promoting poor leaders into management roles . . . the natural result of cronyism and ass-kissing. When a pseudo-leader doesn't know what to do to invoke motivation, he/she uses charts and bar graphs. It is the unappreciated, most expensive failing of American business.

  2. A culture of corruption, unaccountability and violation of the public trust. Deja-vu with the White House's current occupants.

  3. Ridgway & 44:
    Thanks for your comments. NYPD is one of the most numbers-driven PD's in the country. All the numbers-crunching does nothing to deal with the corruption in the department. It seems that every week a new scandal or indictment involving NYPD officers is revealed. Just as in higher ed., attempts to find simple measures for complex outcomes (public protection and service & learning and career preparation) leads to mind-numbing stupidity.
