Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Same Sex Marriage and the Supreme Court

Excellent article. In the end, the Supreme Court will rule that states must recognize same-sex marriage.


  1. All this hoopla is so unnecessary. Traditional marriage involves a social contract between two adults who dedicate their lives to one another. It's up to the individual states how they define such unions. Matrimony, on the other hand, is consecrated before the Almighty or by nature's law. For this reason, it doesn't really matter how society defines marriage. Matrimony is fundamentally limited to heterosexual partnerships.

  2. Interesting strategy . . . using invented definitions to support a position of bigotry.
    Marriage and matrimony are synonyms in current English usage. The amending of meanings to suit the agendas of bible pounders is a practice that predates the Jesus cult.

  3. Like our country's founders, I'm more of a deist than a theist. For that no apology for my belief is necessary. I’m not challenging your values. Believe whatever nonsense you wish. There are plenty of folks out there with your mindset. I've heard it all.
