Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Juarez newspaper surrenders to cartels

LINK. Is it only a matter of time until the whole country surrenders? Many mayors and other public officials already have. Of course, it won't be an explicit surrender from the government. According to Pres. Calderon, if American only had stronger controls on assault weapons this wouldn't have happened.


  1. Large caches of military weapons and explosive devices are typically housed in government armories, not private collections. So who is fooling who? What is easy to understand is that private citizens are caught between strict gun control by a corrupt government and well armed criminals. Self-defense is not a realistic option. So what choice do they have but to surrender or be killed?

  2. PS: It's not guns that pose a problem, it's the drug demand North of the border that has grown the cartel's murderous empire. And unlike prohibition, this foreign menace won't disappear with legalization of mind altering drugs.
