By Dr. Ray Kessler, who is, incidentally, a retired Prof. of Criminal Justice, former defense attorney and prosecutor is your host. I am also a part-time instructor in Criminal Justice at Richland College, an outstanding, 2-year institution in Dallas, TX.
Note that I do NOT select which ads run on the blog.
Monday, March 14, 2016
The split between neo-confederate and cosmotarian libertarians.
There is no place in the libertarian movement for any covert white supremacists.
Seems to me that libertarianism would have to include "character, not color" when judging others. IMO, KKKers can't be libertarian; they're merely anti-government unless they're in charge.
Seems to me that libertarianism would have to include "character, not color" when judging others. IMO, KKKers can't be libertarian; they're merely anti-government unless they're in charge.