Thursday, September 06, 2012

U.N. Arms Treaty collapses, U.N. Presses on with new initiative

Talks on he U.N. Arms treaty that could have led to new gun controls in the U.S. if ratified and D.C. v. Heller was over-ruled (see earlier post), petered out. However, the busy beavers at the U.N. and gun controllers are staying busy.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry. The UN has no real control over U.S. constitutional law. Our biggest threat to people's fundamental liberties and rights comes from within. Namely the socialist wannabe demagogues currently in the White House and senate majority. November's election is decisively crucial, defining whether our country can hold on to what remains of our freedoms as ensured within the framework of federalism's limited and separate governmental powers.
