Friday, April 06, 2012

2nd Amendment Takes Another Hit

Anyone who thinks that the federal courts are generally enthusiastic about protecting people's rights, needs to look at recent Second Amendment caselaw. The most recent travesty is reported here. This is not rocket science. The Second Amendment specifically mentions a right to "bear" arms. A total ban cannot possibly be constitutional. The author of the article is a UCLA law professor.

1 comment:

  1. “[t]he State of Illinois has determined that ... a citizen’s interest in carrying a firearm ... should be subject to the governmental interest in safeguarding the welfare of the public at large from the inherent dangers in a loaded firearm.”?

    Whoever came up with this ridiculous rationale might breath easier in a padded cell. Allow me to rephrase.

    The State of Illinois has determined that a citizen’s interest in chopping vegetables should be subject to the governmental interest in safeguarding the welfare of the public at large from the inherent dangers of a sharpened kitchen knife.

    Once again it's social engineering gone wild. There's no place in a free society for such mindless overreaching nonsense.
