Friday, October 07, 2011

AG Holder Lying about his knowledge of BATF's "Fast and Furious?"

The "Fast and Furious/Gunwalker" scandal just keeps getting hotter and hotter.


  1. Obama and gang must have awoke Saturday morning with a big hangover following Fox news' Hannity special about Fast and Furious. I usually ignore conspiracy theorist. I've made an exception here.

  2. I think the Obama White House is naive if not ignorant on the firearms issue and I think Holder is as oblivious as the rest . . . and I think he knew . . . but it doesn't matter. It is his watch. Having said that, Fox and Co. crossed the threshold between objectivity and slanted, relentless, ditto-headedness some time ago. I used to rely on them, but now I'm simply embarrassed for them.

  3. Thanks to 44 & Ridgway. Fortunately Fox is only one of the sources on this issue. For instance, CBS, which tends to lean a little to the left, has been hot on this story from the beginning. Stay tuned!
