Saturday, August 06, 2011

Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs found guilty.

FLDS church leader Warren Jeffs was convicted of child sexual assault and faces up to 119 years in prison. Is it just me or does it seem that there's something wrong with those who believe that a man in his 50's can get to heaven by having sex with young girls?


  1. It has nothing to do with getting anywhere. Belief is made to order for con artists . . . all one needs do is search for the rapture and it's a field day. It's of the con, by the con, and for the con. It's beyond amazing that the Catholic Church still exists. Wretched creatures like Jeffs and pedophilic priests don't give a rats anus about their devastation of children. They are drunk on the power of their con.

  2. Agreed. Definitely self-gratification at the expense of innocent children, society and anything Holy. Jeffs needs to be escorted to the edge of town and .... Enough said.

    This case does emphasis an interesting point. Jeffs redefined traditional marriage to suit his own, albeit twisted, beliefs. Polygamist and pedophiles may have as good an argument as same sex. Don't mean to step on toes. But be prepared when opening Pandora's box.

  3. John & Ridgway: Thanks for the comments. John you raise some interesting points. The next logical step for the Supreme Court is to protect polygamous and gay marriages. However, the right to privacy protects only consenting adults, it does not protect child sexual abuse. Further, government can place restrictions on minors that it could not place on adults. It can protect children from adults in situations where it cannot "protect" adults from adults.

  4. Montana: Agreed to your conclusion. Thanks for your comment! Hope to see more.
