Monday, July 18, 2011

Great quote re police and the police state

Came across this great quote which says so much: "A policeman's job is only easy in a police state." This is from Orson Welles'1958 movie, "A Touch of Evil." Unfortunately too many police chiefs trample on people's rights (e.g. Second Amendment) to try to make their job easier. They are not sophisticated enough to figure out that gun control does not reduce crime.


  1. Your quote is true with any public official serving their own personal agenda in a limitless corrupted government.

    The truth is it's far less demanding to do what's honorable and respect people's individual rights. Social harmony naturally follows.

  2. Keep in mind that cops are charged with controlling selfishness, and we've got an epidemic of selfishness in our culture. Just like a pancreas goes haywire when forced to produce massive quantities of insulin, a Sheriff can get aggressive when confronted with massive amounts of narcissism.
