Monday, June 04, 2018


“Pain & Profit

Your tax money may not help poor, sick Texans get well, but it definitely helps health care companies get rich”

Years of poor state oversight have allowed companies to skimp on essential care for sick kids and disabled adults”



Health care plans and services provided by, or subsidized by, government exist on the federal level and all state levels.  These programs aim to help those who otherwise cannot get needed medical care.  For profit medical providers  and companies aim to maximize profit. Too often ‘ “big medicine’ interests attempt to minimize government oversight and regulation of their practices and participation in these government programs.When they are successful, their profits go up but the quality of care for many they pretend to serve goes way down.  Poor, working class and middle class people have little political clout.  The medical interests have lots.  Guess who gets the short end of the stick.   Contrary to what Trump and others say, government regulation is necessary in many cases to protect the vulnerable, poor and consumers. Cutting regulations of business are justified by the pretext of improving economic efficiency.  The real motivation is to help make sure that the rich get richer.  If you aren’t wealthy, great!  If you aren’t don’t be a sucker.  Don’t sell yourself out.  Don’t buy into the argument that the purposes of many of these cutbacks on government regulation are done to help the economy.  America has the highest cost medical care in the world.  Yet we don’t rank near the top in quality of care.  You figure it out.

See this Dallas Morning News investigative reporting series about Texas, (but the basic dymanics apply everywhere).



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