Tuesday, October 23, 2012

" Violence Tax" on Guns and Ammo

The latest craziness from the gun-controllers. If re-elected, I wonder if Obama will pick up on this idea from his home base (Chicago).


  1. Is this like a sales tax? What other items might qualify? Kitchen knives? Baseball bats? hammers and crowbars? blood and gore video games? Bad drivers? Come on now. We gotta have some of that good old progressive "social justice" here.

  2. How many gun stores are there in Cook County? The bill includes a tax on slot machines, which FWIU, are are none. Some city councilman came up with the same idea in Baltimore, knowing no revenue would be collected because there were no FFLs in Baltimore. Love that theater.

  3. One question I had was whether this "tax" was applicable to guns bought outside of Cook County. After having been hunkered down under the unconstitutional policy of "require pemits but never issue them" for 25 years, how many gun dealers can there be in Cook County? Just an assumption, but most gun owners probably bought their weapons outside the county prior to McDonald anyway. Is the tax retroactive?

    IMHO, its just another means of stomping on the 2nd Amendment.
